Reuben – Victoria

When DRA first called me, they said “do you feel like you’ve just won tattslotto?” 100% we have!

The experience we had with DRA was second to none. The thankless hours the team put into rehoming these beautiful babes is priceless and so appreciated. No question was ever an inconvenience.

Reuben has brought so much love and life into our family. Always by your feet with a waggy tail and smiling face.

He was already fairly well trained, except for his pulling on the lead, most likely in a rush to find some puddles to spash through.

Reuben is known to fall asleep on our laps/desk, and start snoring during Teams meetings.

Loves a bit of nibble play fighting with the boys of the house but always follows it up with loads of kisses and cuddles.

Reuben and our old girl Penny have become great friends and has given Penny comfort that she has missed since our Parker passed a few years ago. There’s a bit of a competition to see who gets the lap time but they’re pretty good at sharing it around between us.

We are so thankful to DRA and Reuben’s previously family for allowing us to welcome in into our home. It’s like he was meant for us from the beginning. 💜

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