Zoe (8) Mini Smooth – Metung- Vic

Zoe came into our care as a blind little girl with diabetes, so it was necessary for her to be fostered until her insulin levels could be measured and stabilized. Along came Rachel who had just broken her wrist and was happy for the distraction of caring for Zoe rather than feeling sorry for herself. Rachel not only managed her health issues but also socialized her so that, when the day came for her to be adopted, she would soon become part of the family. Rachel became very fond of Zoe and would have adopted her, but rather than being selfish, the thought of leaving her on her own for 12 hours a day due to work commitments made her realize that a new home where people were around most of the time would be best for her.
Zoe has now been adopted by a wonderful family who have another little 5 year old dachsie that looks just like Zoe. From day one they all decided that she was meant to be a part of their family. Their 5 year old dachsie has taken Zoe under her wing and is guiding her around the house and of course the rest of the family have fallen in love with her.

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